5 Reasons Why: Letting Go of ‘clutter’ is good for Your Emotional Health
For the past 15 years I have spent my life carrying my belongings in a suitcase or two and living in a cabin, sailing around the world on various cruise ships and yachts. 40kgs isn’t much luggage allowance for a 6-month season and I always seemed to over pack, carrying everything but the kitchen sink with me as I travelled.
I was so worried about having to discard my personal items and not knowing which items to part with if I was overweight that I used to make my parents come in with me at the airport when rejoining the ship for my next rotation so that they could take home my possessions if I had baggage in excess of my allowance, even if that meant enduring expensive car parking bills.
So, by now you would have thought that I was able to keep my belongings to a bare minimum.
Surely, I have nailed packing light?
Well you can think again......
Whilst away on my travels at sea and visiting various ports of call I started to collect memorabilia items and personal items like lipsticks, cosmetics, appliances etc that I found when I was out exploring, often only to find when I returned home to Manchester and emptied my suitcase I had duplicated some of the items I already had and therefore the clutter started to mount, and I began to feel suffocated in my own lack of space in my bedroom.
Why is it that we become emotionally attached to material items?
We often keep objects to recall and reminisce about pleasant memories. This can be as small as a business card of our favourite restaurant during our travels or a bath robe from a hotel we stayed before, to a statue or two. When we continuously collect these items, we can overcrowd the places that we live and leave a lot of stagnant energies that can affect our emotional health.
Decluttering the old to give space to the new.
For the past year I have been clearing through, donating, and recycling lots of my possessions in preparation for moving house and the process of “letting go” of these items has been laborious.
These “things” that I have accumulated in 35 years had become my source of happiness,reminiscing about the good old times and the emotions attached to those past times. The process of letting go comes with many fears including, fears of moving on, fears of forgetting people, places or moments in life, fears of memories shared fading away, all of these fears brought to the surface by discarding the items I no longer required. This is a hard task to tackle but it’s also must to remove the old to give space to the new.
Moving home....
After completing the discarding process and packing all my necessities into boxes, I have still managed to collate 27 boxes of personal belongings to be taken with me to my new house.
When I stood back and looked at my car packed full to the brim of items to move from one house to the next, I thought about the amount of money spent at the point of buying them, the time and energy it has taken to pack them into boxes, move them into the car and then in turn into the next house. Lots of those items had been bought to bring happiness into my life. All those external requirements to be happy.
1. The process of removing, discarding, and recycling these items that you no longer need in your life will be a huge benefit of “releasing and letting go” which can make youfeel calmer, happier, and more in control. Allowing you to move forward with your life feeling at ease and ready to face any challenges with adversity.
2. It is a real sense of joy to knowing that you have contributed to people less privilege than yourself and that they will benefit massively as these items are new and exciting to them; brings delight to your heart. So that you can connect to people that positively impact your perspective and enrich your life.
3. You will have more free space which will improve your sleeping patterns, lower yourstress levels, and feel at ease within your new space. Helping you to enhance your mood, outlook on life and temperament.
4. Eliminating the visual clutter will allow you to focus better on your tasks and to work more efficiently. So that you can set goals, identify what you want to achieve and what you need in order to accomplish them. Motivating you to take action towards the future you want to live.
5. By removing old items, you have made space and energy for the ‘new you’ to enter so you can continue to grow and evolve naturally. When you have a clear insight to who you are as a person, understanding your values and beliefs you will be empowered to show up every day as the best version of yourself.
I am not saying by a stretch of a mile that we should not own things, or a house, or a car etc but its liberating to clear out and give away the things we no longer need but not just on a physical sense but also an emotional and mental aspect too.
The truth of happiness is that this comes truly from within and the true home is the one within our hearts.
Lots of love
Samantha x
PS: To speak to me if you are interested in working with me through Samantha Morris Healer Coaching book a FREE discovery call HERE.
PPS: For more tips and hints to manage your health and wellness follow me HERE.